Sunday, September 29, 2013

Healthy Habits that Threatening Lives

Healthy living can be done from now on. There are many habits (which is considered to be) healthy and do a lot of people. But the habit of some, there are harmful to your health. Reported by, this is a habit that can be fatal to the health.
Yoga has long been known as a sedative media mind and body healthy. However you should be wary, since 2001 to 2002, the number of patients brought to the emergency room because of yoga increase. Some yoga postures which require flexibility can cause trauma to the spine and neck. Trauma can cause blood clots, brain damage and even stroke. If you like yoga, make sure it has a competent instructor and know the limits of your body limber.
Burning Food
Grilled chicken, satay, grilled fish and so appears as an alternative to reduce the consumption of fried foods. But apparently burned food store potentially more dangerous. Used black fuel due to heat directly on food in high temperatures to be one of the originators of heterocyclic amines, a substance carcinogen. Minimize consumption of food that is burned with charcoal.
Drinking Vitamin
This habit is often we do since childhood. Drinking vitamin is considered healthy for the body because it can provide the nutrients in food are sometimes not fulfilled. However, the use of factory-made vitamins could potentially lead to cancer and death from liver disease. Vitamins that contain high levels of antioxidants can even lower our immune system. Rather than artificial vitamin drink, the better the natural vitamin in fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken and other natural foods.
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