Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fatigue Women More than Men In Daily Life

exhausted woman
Have you ever questioned who feel tired more easily, men or women? You probably will answer him because aspect is what many spend their days with muscle and brain drain. Even though this fact is not too surprising, but the fact is, women are more easily exhausted than men. A survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that was released on April 12 indicated that 15 percent of 10 percent of women expressed feeling very tired. Plus it happens to men and women ages 18 to 44 years comprising 9 percent of men and 16 percent of women in it.
Quoted in the Huffington Post, this may be caused by the following 7 reasons:
Women working double jobs
For women who choose to be career women and housewives as well, of course it would be a tough thing because you have to men'double 'work and expense. Apart from having to deal with all the hassle that occurs in the office or your place of work, she also instinctively required to spend more time with the child-child and a pile of household chores than men. So, you could say, if you are a woman with this type you will definitely feel tired.
Too many plans at night
You might be the type of woman who is too excited to do all the things at one time. In your mind you might think you can do it and get through it for sure, but not humans have the power and energy constraints? If you have a habit of piling all these tasks at night, try to break this habit. If you are faced with a lot of things to be done, first determine priorities and for whom you do it. Typically, women try to do all those things at one time.
Chronic Stress
You may indeed be a busy career woman so you spend a lot of time to think, to do something and plan it all. It certainly would be a very draining thing and your mind. The danger, this will add to your chances of stress and distress. If this happens to you, stress can make you super duper tired.
According to NPR, aged 25 years is the average woman has their first offspring. This may indeed contribute to greater fatigue. Conditions 'have children' is indeed susceptible to the early age of 20 to 40 years. Although there is the fun in parenting and child care, were not a few who recognize that this is also exhausting.
Too many thoughts
Women are known to not be able to miss just what the mind. Just say a few words, maybe a woman will spend a lot of time to think deeply and seriously. Though man may usually just think of it in a short time. This can lead to stress and fatigue from too much thinking. Moreover, women usually always thinking about what had happened until the day before her.
Financial problems
You may work and do the same as what is done by other people or other women in general. However, if hooked up with financial problems, maybe you could be a burden heavier. It also can be a background on why you are so tired.
Disturbances sleep
If you experience stress and even depression because of the mind and the problems you are facing, like no way usually will have an impact on your sleep patterns. For some reason think of all the things, you sacrifice the only me time do you have that is sleeping soundly at night. In fact, if you are doing this continuously, you will feel tired the next day because it does not provide a perfect ration of sleep for your brain.
Is one of the above reasons exist to explain why you sometimes feel so tired? Women or men actually did have loads, problems and stress levels with each portion. All you need to do is observe whether you are able to think and make the pressure does not become a burden that will make you tired.
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