Lately, the campaign of 'bra less' more aggressively heard. Reportedly, it is much more healthy breasts when bra is removed. Scientists say, when wearing a bra, the breast tissue cell growth was stopped. In contrast to the conditions in which women do not use the bra, the breasts can be free to move and breathe.
Reported by Huffingtonpost, medical, and psychological anatomy was no association between breast gravity with no bra. According to professor Jean Denis Rouillon, when she decided not to wear a bra, chest will not go down as feared by women.
To convince his statement, he conducted a study of 300 women, with an age range between 18-35 years. Measured each woman's breasts, and the participants were divided into two. The first participant is wearing a bra, and the second was not wearing a bra.
Participants bra less breasts, good growth. Nipple tend to rise up, not down. Similarly, when used to exercising. Capucine Vercelotti, 28, initially felt strange when I had to jog bra less. But once he tried it, he did not feel there was any problem with her breasts. Do not hurt or pain.
So if the bra should be abandoned?
We do not recommend it. Is healthy when some time you do not wear a bra. However, at certain moments, the bra should still be used for safety and comfort in the outdoors.
Meanwhile, while he was sleeping, it is recommended you remove your bra and give time off for the second twin hills. The reason, during sleep the body will experience good growth process, so we must give a chance to grow breasts and rested.