Monday, April 15, 2013

Some Pain You Need Caution

Some Pain You Need Caution
From now on you should begin to be aware and be careful, because some of the pain that often occurs in your body could be the early symptoms of the deadly disease. Here are 7 of them.
Do not underestimate the headache. "If you are experiencing a fever, it could be this is a sinus headache," said Sandra Fryhofer, MD, MACP, spokeswoman for the American College of Physicians. "You can also experience symptoms of a brain hemorrhage or brain tumor if the headache lasts longer and more severe. Immediately contact your doctor and consult, "he added.
Discomfort in the Chest
Discomfort or pain in the chest is often associated with symptoms can also be symptoms of pneumonia or heart disease. Discomfort associated with heart disease usually felt in the upper left chest, radiating to the left shoulder, arm, and even accompanied by nausea.
Signs of discomfort in women are usually more delicate and subtle. "Symptoms of heart disease may also be discomfort in the abdomen. It usually occurs when the body is in a state of fatigue, and many people consider it a normal stomach ache, "said Jerome Cohen, MD, of Saint Louis University School of Medicine.
Bottom of Back Pain
According to Professor Brangman of SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York, lower back pain is often associated with the arthritic disease. But it could also be an early sign of heart attacks and health problems in the stomach.
"One danger is aortic dissection. This can occur if the person has a history of high blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking, "added Brangman.
Stomach ache
Abdominal pain also can not be underestimated. Given in the abdomen are important organs such as the stomach, gallbladder, intestines, liver, and others. If you are experiencing abdominal pain on the left side of your stomach may be problematic. However, if the pain is often appears in the right abdomen, it could be your liver and gallbladder is broken. Immediately consult a doctor if you experience these symptoms.
Pain in Calves
One of the dangers that are generally less aware of is Deep Vein Thrombosis, which contained blood clots in the calf veins. According to Prof. Brangman, if the blood clot breaks off and is carried to the lungs, it can lead to death.
Taste Burned Feet
Some patients with diabetes are not aware that he had the disease before symptoms such as peripheral Neuropathy.
Peripheral Neuropathy is one of the early symptoms of diabetes. Peripheral neuropathy is usually characterized by a burning pain and needles in the feet and legs. Symptoms will appear if there is nerve damage.
Pain Detected Sketchy or not Medically
Generally, people with depression will experience pain in several parts of his body, so the opinion of Thomas Wise, MD, a psychiatrist at Inova Hospital Faiefax. People with depression often suffer from headaches vague, too upset stomach, or other body part.
Sometimes a combination of pain appeared in several parts of the body. Chronic pain but not severe, it is generally ignored. The higher you are the more difficult it is depression you describe the pain. "The pain was not severe although it needs to be addressed before it causes structural changes in the brain," Wise said as quoted by WebMD.
Contact your doctor immediately if you experience some of the symptoms above prolonged. Greetings healthy.
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